For your destination wedding in Portugal to be a memorable experience, without a doubt it must be unique and tailor-made to you!
For this reason, our wedding planners work to get to know each of our clients in-depth and suggest ideas especially thought out based on the tastes and personalities of each one of you and your guests.
Do you want to know how?
EVERYONE WILL BE SURPRISED BY THE ENTERTAINMENT: Fun is a must at any destination wedding. Treat your guests to an entertainment surprise. For example, invite a ranch to perform after the ceremony or hire an opera group to perform during dinner.
YOUR GUESTS WILL FEEL APPRECIATED WITH THE WELCOME BAGS: When making welcome bags, think about your guests’ needs. For example, if they are going to have to travel from their accommodation to the venue of the ceremony, don’t forget to include a bottle of water and a little snack, so that no one’s stomach is churning.
THE ORIGINALITY OF THE SOUVENIRS WILL LEAVE EVERYONE ADMIRED: If you are going to offer a souvenir to your guests, make sure it is something they can keep and use daily. Another possibility is to make a donation to a charity on behalf of your guests and offer something to demonstrate this gesture. We are sure that everyone will appreciate this idea! Choose the option that best represents you.
These are just a few of the many ideas that come to mind from our team so that your destination wedding in Portugal can be tailor-made! Creativity is what we do not lack and we are sure that we will find the best solutions for you!
Do you want to know more? Get in touch with us through our form.
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