CHHHEeesee: How to pick your photographer!

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The best thing you will keep from your wedding day (besides your gorgeous husband!) is the memory of a wonderful day. As it’s impossible to record a memory, the best way to get a closer image from your memory, is see the wedding day, over and over again, through photos and video. And today we will give you some tips to help you choose your photographer and videographer!

#1. Define your style

Are you an easygoing couple or do you run away every time you start thinking about being photographed?! If you feel confident about being in the spotlight, you can look for a photographer with some charisma and with direct and spontaneous photos. You won’t feel bad if they took you photo without being ready for it. You will appreciate it! On the other hand, if you don’t feel that comfortable, we believe it’s better to get a traditional photographer. Then, you can define the exact moments that you’re ready to be photographed and also the persons you want to take picture with. You’ll have time to prepare yourself for those moments and it won’t feel that weird at the wedding day! 

#2. Book a meeting 

Besides loving the online work available of the suppliers that you’re keen to, you need to see “the face behind the mask”. From our experience, it’s really important to meet in person the photographer to analyze the empathy you’ll have with he or she. In the end, they will be recording the most important day of your lives and you’ll need to “connect” with the them you’re choosing!
During your meeting, tell them your expectations and your concerns, even in they feel ridiculous. It’s better get an answer today, that have a doubt tomorrow! 

#3. Choose the team and don’t look back

If you and your fiancé decided to go with this or that team (and you really respected the previous lines), you chose the team that you felt the connection and confident about it. So, just let the supplier do her or his job at the wedding day and respect each advice and recommendation given to you! For sure, it will be a successful!

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I hope you’ll find this post interesting and useful. For any further questions, feel free to ask us directly through e-mail or instagram @maryme.eventos or Facebook.

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